Improving healthcare for all
humain augmenté

French Healthcare conference at the France Pavilion of Expo 2020 Dubai

French Healthcare, the innovative public-private initiative aimed at bringing together under a single banner all the players in the French healthcare ecosystem to jointly promote their expertise, technologies and innovations internationally, is organizing, in partnership with the French Healthcare Association and Business France, a high-profile phygital conference in English at the France Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai from Januay 25-26, 2022, during Arab Health.


Challenges of the health-themed fortnight

The Covid-19 pandemic has raised a number of questions regarding the resources allocated to health services and research in health sciences. Not every country can address the health crisis in the same way. Such an acknowledgement should drive a massive investment in essential public health services. Efforts must be at a national level, but above all collective, as the pandemic has proven to us that our world is deeply interconnected. 

By 2030, the health sector will have to face numerous challenges, including access to health services in all areas, the promotion of health professions, the fight against health inequalities, the attractiveness of public hospitals, an ageing population, and the inclusion of disabled people.

You are…

Hospital buyers and decision makers, biomedical engineers, information systems division managers, endocrinologists and medical specialists in the diabetes field, diabetes patient associations, oncologists and medical specialists in the cancer field, cancer patient associations, local economic operators, insurance companies, Emirati and Saudi private operators, investors in the healthcare field, healthcare device dealers, health advisors of local embassies, journalists or media… Please do not hesitate to attend our conference.

You want…

To benefit from unique perspectives on and insights into French expertise, innovations and solutions in healthcare, thanks to this high-profile conference.


Improving healthcare for all

N.B. all conferences will be held in the Dubai time zone (Gulf Standard Time – GST),  in English, and can be attended either in person or online.


January 25 – 10:00 – 11:30 – Future perspectives in health and urban planning

The French Healthcare Association welcomes you to this session focusing on how health determinants are integrated into the creation of health facilities. We will also discuss how citizens can get involved and how we can connect cities with their inhabitants.


January 25 – 12:00 – 13:30 – Getting medical treatment in France

The French Healthcare Association introduces the French healthcare system and treatment opportunities for international patients.


January 25 – 14:30 – 16:00 – French innovations for women at risk or affected with female cancer 

Unicancer, the French Federation of Comprehensive Cancer Centers, welcomes you to its session on French innovation in the treatment of cancers in women. This session will cover both innovation in preventive and predictive medicine (i.e., personalized screenings) as well as therapeutic innovation such as proton therapy and immunotherapy. Led by Prof. Frédérique Penault-Llorca (nominated by Forbes France as one of the 40 most remarkable women of 2021), the Unicancer session will benefit from the presence of eight internationally renowned speakers.



January 26 – 10:00 – 11:30 – Diabetes education and prevention: facing rising challenges in the Middle East

The French Healthcare Association welcomes you to this session introducing how French biotech companies can support regional government efforts, and prevent a diabetes epidemic, by orchestrating an efficient public health campaign.


January 26 – 12:00 – 12:45 – French excellence in pediatric congenital heart disease surgery


January 26 – 13:00 – 13:45 – Structuring translational research to address the cardiometabolism diseases challenge: the IHU ICAN Foundation model

Cardiovascular, metabolic and nutrition related diseases are one of the major public health challenges and account for a significant part of the rise in non communicable diseases related death and morbidity. There is a now a firm consensus on the need to better address these pathologies by favouring an interdisciplinary approach. As such, the growing field of personalised medicine represents a major opportunity to tackle these health issues in a new, effective and financially sustainable manner.


January 26 – 14:30 – 16:00 – Digital health for underserved areas: disruption from the French healthcare ecosystem

Introducing of a complete offer supported by the French Healthcare Association, to help public and private decision-makers in their approach of under-medicalized areas. How can French excellence in digital health make a real impact on a healthcare system.


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Selma Chamy
Project Manager, France Pavilion
Tel: +33 7 81 66 33 39 

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