Oncology : mapping of French expertise and know-how
The French Healthcare Association and Business France present the first edition of the map of exportable French solutions in the field of oncology. Innovation and excellence in prevention, screening, care and follow-up for cancer patients have finally been brought together in a single document.
Getting medical treatment in France
The platform “My French Hospital” aims at providing better readability of the French hospital offer (neurology, urology, gynecology, maternity, fertility, cancer, etc.) to international patients.
Published by French Healthcare Association, the website is designed as a search engine for foreign patients, patient insurers or any other person seeking an hospital in France.

Getting medical training in France
Making France a global hub for continuing medical training for healthcare professionals is the goal of the new platform: My French Medical Training.
Launched by French Healthcare Association, the platform centralizes the offer of French hospitals (public and private) to welcome foreign doctors for medium and long-term internships, ranging from fellowships to observational internships through specialized and in-depth medical training diplomas.
The platform brings together training offers from leading players such as cancer centers (Curie Institute, Centre Léon Bérard, etc.), hospitals (Foch, Saint Joseph, etc.) and universities (University of Paris, etc.).