Chronic diseases France's attractiveness Hospital A major breakthrough in the fight against HIV:A patient is potentially cured after a transplant in Marseille
Hospital Oncology Research & Innovation Hôpital Saint-Louis AP-HP: 50 years at the forefront of allogeneicbone marrow transplantation
Awards & Rankings France's attractiveness Hospital Adolphe de Rothschild Foundation Hospital receives the French Hospital Quality label
Hospital MedTech Research & Innovation Archeon Medical obtains FDA authorization for its pulmonary ventilation solution
Digital health Hospital The Digital Medical Hub of the AP-HP and Ethik IA launch the first certificate for the Human Oversight of AI in the hospital sector
France's attractiveness Hospital Radiology: Incepto and Softway Medical announce two major partnerships
France's attractiveness Hospital Research & Innovation AP-HP expertise at the service of breast cancer patients
Digital health France's attractiveness Hospital French Healthcare Innovation & Business Forum: a showcase to boost the French healthcare ecosystem around the world!
France's attractiveness Hospital Oncology Pink October - the Institut Curie, leading cancer treatment center in Europe
France's attractiveness Hospital The Fondation Hopale, the ideal destination for musculoskeletal disorders.
France's attractiveness Hospital Research & Innovation Thanks to the IBISC, AI is able to diagnose and explain
Hospital Research & Innovation A first in France: teams working at the AP-HP hospitals in France re-transplant a kidney graft that was transplanted 10 years earlier
France's attractiveness Hospital Research & Innovation Hospi'Senior - a room that has been adapted to provide hospital care for the elderly
Covid-19 France's attractiveness Hospital The United Kingdom approves Valneva’s inactivated Covid-19 vaccine
France's attractiveness Hospital Oncology Will France soon have the world's largest cluster dedicated to oncology?
Hospital Infectious diseases Research & Innovation Bordeaux University Hospital Center - two patients operated on with a biodegradable heart prosthesis
France's attractiveness Hospital Research & Innovation Tribun Health “Best in Klas” for digital pathology at HIMSS in Orlando
Chronic diseases France's attractiveness Hospital Expo 2020 Dubai: Conference on the challenge of cardiometabolic diseases
France's attractiveness Hospital Research & Innovation Expo 2020 Dubai: Conference - French excellence in pediatric and congenital heart surgery