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Radiology: Incepto and Softway Medical announce two major partnerships

Radiology: Incepto and Softway Medical announce two major partnerships

The dynamism of the French radiology ecosystem was highlighted over October 2022. The “Journées francophones de radiologie diagnostique et interventionnelle” (JFR), were organized in Paris from 7 to 10 October 2022. At the same time, two major players in the sector, Incepto and Softway Medical, announced partnerships which would allow them to expand the areas of their technological and geographical intervention.

9 Dec 2022

Incepto enters into a strategic partnership with the private hospital group Elsan

On October 3, Incepto, the specialist in artificial intelligence in radiology, announced that it had entered into an alliance with Elsan. This young company, which was founded in 2018, will thus make its AI platform accessible in the group’s emergency and imaging departments.

In 2021, Incepto had around 100 clients, on 150 sites, i.e. 1,000 radiologists and 130,000 patients who benefited from its solutions each month.

It has operations in six countries. In September 2022, the company raised €27 million to expand into Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Spain and Portugal, in addition to France. 

The collaboration with Elsan started in their clinic in Agen, in south-west France. The impact of the Incepto solution for fracture detection was assessed in an emergency department. The percentage of patients leaving the department with an undiagnosed fracture was reduced from 18% to 3%. The medtech’s solutions also make any visits to the emergency department faster and shorter. “The radiologist’s task is made easier and they are thus able to devote any time saved to other medical examinations,” said Antoine Jomier, Co-founder of Incepto.

Given this success, the collaboration will now be extended to include all Elsan Group emergency departments, i.e. 137 establishments in France and 48 imaging departments. Incepto’s AI solutions will help diagnose fractures and be deployed to MRI and nuclear medicine technical platforms.

“This strategic partnership with the Elsan Group will speed up and allow generalized access to the AI solutions applied to the imaging that we are developing, to a group that is present throughout the French territory and regions. Our aim is to reach 1 million patients a month by 2024,” Antoine Jomier, Co-founder of Incepto.

“Major healthcare operators like Elsan are reassured by our approach,” said Antoine Jomier. “We have the agility of a startup and offer a platform approach, with a single point of contact and a simplified service mode.”

Incepto is increasing the number of promising partnerships. It has joined forces with TéléDiag – France Imageries Territoires and with Groupe 3R, the Swiss radiological network, and the major European imaging group Affidea.

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