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New project in Thailand for ATA MEDICAL, with its hygienic central air handling units

The expert in medical air hygiene quality, which already has operations in around fifty countries, has just completed a new project with the Nakhon Phanom Hospital, in the north-east of Thailand.

27 Oct 2022

Hospital-acquired infections, which account for almost 10,000 deaths a year in France, are a real public health issue. ATA MEDICAL air handling units help sterilize high-risk environments. The unit decontaminates the air then returns it to the room, clean. It operates 24/24, before, during and after the operation.

In early June 2022, Leo Fauquembergue, ATA MEDICAL Regional Manager for the whole of the South-East Asia zone, visited three Thai hospitals, accompanied by the local distributor. The aim was to show these hospitals the full range of products that meet the regulatory standards and prescriptions in respect of the handling of air in at-risk zones, from ISO8 to ISO5, with a Hygienic AHU or with a Mobile air purifier.

The CLINICAIR 1b unit (for an ISO7 operating theater) and the DOPAIR 3000 mobile unit, with a negative pressure kit to create an isolation chamber for infectious patients, fulfilled the requirements of the Nakhon Phanom Hospital perfectly. 

“The aim of our products is to reduce the number of particles and micro-organisms in a room and consequently to reduce the risk of airborne hospital-acquired infections. The reputation of the hospital is further enhanced as the number of deaths and infections after a surgical operation declines automatically,” Leo Fauquembergue, Regional Manager, South-East Asia for ATA Medical.

In France, hospitals are required to comply with air quality standards and undergo regular inspections (standard NFS90-351, based on international standard ISO14-644). The hygrometry rate must be controlled to avoid humidity causing conditions that favor the development of micro-organisms. The number of particles in suspension and micro-organisms in the room must be limited. The mixing rate (air flow from the air handling unit based on the volume of the room) and the pressure (positive in the operating room) must also be controlled.

“We have been working for many years with our local partners and we always stress the importance of hygienic air handling, based on international standards, whether in the operating room or in the different areas of risk within the hospital. It is something that takes a long time and we are delighted to see that real progress is being made with regard to attitudes in this area,” said Leo Fauquembergue. 

Unlike those of its competitors, ATA MEDICAL‘s units are connected and ultra compact. They can be installed directly in the operating theater, thus avoiding the need for large-scale air ducts that encourage the development of micro-organisms.

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