Improving healthcare for all

Health Check-up Grands Prix, Santexpo, Paris-Saclay Spring, APinnov... 14 Awards given to professionals working in healthcare in France in May 2022

Focus on startups and researchers from the French health system that have distinguished themselves by their inventiveness and their innovations.

28 Jun 2022

Awards for health care innovation given to Ama, Cogis and Dowino at SANTEXPO22

Out of ten finalists at the 4th edition of SANTEXPO held in Paris from May 17 to 19, 2022 these three companies working in the French health system distinguished themselves.  

Ama received the Innovation Award in the category “Co-development benefiting healthcare professionals”. This category rewards an innovation created in conjunction with a healthcare facility/structure designed to improve the working conditions of professionals working in the health system in France. The innovation offered by AMA allows for tele-mentoring and tele-training in a surgical environment. XpertEye is used to film the operating field with precision and to provide an environment for live exchanges between surgeons, via sophisticated technological tools (connected glasses, wide-angle camera, recovery converter of existing video columns, brightness management parameters, optimization of video quality….).

– With its COZii app, Cogis received the Innovation Award in the category “Co-development benefiting patients”. This category rewards an innovation created in conjunction with a healthcare facility/structure designed to improve patient care and patient path tracking. COZii is an indoor navigation and geolocation solution for patients. It is a disruptive mobile application for real-time orientation inside buildings. It guides visitors, patients, and employees within your establishments. A business web application completes the mobile application and allows you to locate patients with precision in real time, to track the path of the patients, to be informed of any bottlenecks, and therefore to manage programming in real time.

Dowino received the Panel’s Favorite Award for its MFM Play app for health care settings and hospitals in France. This interactive comic book improves the engagement and motivation of young patients with neuromuscular disorders, who are often tired out by the long and boring tests to which they are required to submit. Their attention is retained thanks to a scenario, engaging characters and detailed illustrations, which makes the tests more effective. This solution also allows saves time for practitioners and allows them to better prepare their sessions and adapt them to each patient.

Kimialys, Award winner of the Healthcare-Biotech section at the 5th edition of the Paris-Saclay Spring from May 12 to 13, 2022

Biotechnology company Kimialys opens the way to developing new diagnostic tests, via the chemical treatment of nanoparticles and chips, which increases the sensitivity and specificity of any analyses carried out. The functionalization (chemical treatment) of sensors, a real technological bottleneck, that hampers the performance of current tests in terms of sensitivity, specificity and cost. Launched in 2021, the deeptech from the laboratories of the Ecole Normale Supérieur Paris-Saclay is developing an innovative solution, which is validated today on gold. Kimialys’ K-One surface chemistry makes it possible to improve the sensitivity of measurements by a factor of 3 to 10, whatever the biological medium analyzed (cell or bacterial extract, serum, etc.), whilst at the same time saving up to 50% of reagent.

3 AP-HP professionals honored at APinnov

On May 31, 2022, at APinnov, the annual Technology Transfer Meetings of the AP-HP, three AP-HP professionals, project leaders in the fields of health care and research, were honored by Innovation Trophies. 

Innovative Carer Trophy: Catherine Poisson, nurse and educator at the Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades, part of the the AP-HP hospitals in France, led the “Ados Branchés” (Connected Adolescents) project, the objective of which is to allow adolescents suffering from a rare digestive intestinal disease (MaRDI), which causes intestinal insufficiency, requiring parenteral nutrition done at home (HPN), to provide their day-to-day care in total safety. The group or individual sessions are supervised by a multidisciplinary team (nurses, doctors, psychologist, educator, psychomotor therapist, social worker, pharmacist).

Innovative Intern Trophy: Camille Heslot, intern in physical medicine and readaptation, Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière – AP-HP. She developed the E-cog project, the objective of which is to facilitate the detection of cognitive deficiencies in brain-damaged patients in order to improve the French health system and avoid the long-term persistence of cognitive sequelae that remain undetected. 

– Promising Patent Trophy:Joe-Elie Salem, MCU-PH, CIC Paris Est, cardiologist and pharmacologist, Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière –AP-HP, for the patent “Process for the treatment of immune toxicities induced by immune checkpoint inhibitors”. This new medical technologies patent covers modalities for treating immune toxicities induced by immune checkpoint inhibitors based on the use of a CTLA-4 agonist.

The Health Check-up Grands Prix 2022

On May 17, 2022, the second edition of the Health Check-up Grands Prix rewarded French health system professionals from seven different categories who made their mark on 2021. 

Action Silver Economy of the yearFoodintech is aimed at establishments (including hospitals in France) with catering services. Its solution specifically evaluates and qualifies which foodstuffs are thrown away, in what quantity and in what context. This diagnosis allows businesses to comply with the EGALIM Act which requires that they implement solutions to combat food waste, and since January 2022, that they provide both an obligatory diagnosis and solutions. Foodintech provides this diagnosis in-situ per functional unit, in order to draw up a plan of action. 

Medical Device of the year: ICOMS Flowmaker the invention patented by FineHeart, is the first fully intraventricular, wireless flow accelerator that provides physiological support synchronized with the heart’s natural contractions. It respects the natural blood flow and does not require aortic bypass surgery as part of patient care. It is the first miniaturized device – barely 10 cm in size – that adjusts to patients’ needs, similar to a pacemaker, in order to treat patients with varying degrees of severity. It has no external driveline as it is recharged via a wireless transcutaneous energy transfer system (TET). The device is implanted using a minimally invasive beating-heart procedure, commonly performed by cardiac surgeons, and lasts on average 90 minutes.

E-Health Projects of the yearJuisci (member of French Healthcare) The Juisci platform (a contraction of “Juice of science”) offers healthcare professionals, students and researchers the possibility of easier and quicker access to the results of the latest clinical studies. AI is used to distill and preserve the relevant information from scientific publications. Its system is tailored to the needs of medical associations, with features designed for communities that promote member engagement. Direct access to publications in real time has been specifically designed for hospitals and health centers, with the ability to comment upon and discuss medical publications between colleagues. Finally, a tele-health plug-in module targets tele-medicine companies, with a direct line to the latest medical research and knowledge updates.

Therapeutic Advance of the year: Ziwig has created ENDOTEST, a diagnostic test for endometriosis based on the exploration of human microRNAs present in saliva. This test uses two cutting-edge technologies: Next Generation Sequencing and artificial intelligence. Its reliability, close to 100%, is superior to that of all currently available diagnostic tools. This tool is likely to put an end to the long time-consuming medical search that lasts on average 8 years for women suffering from endometriosis. ENDOTEST means that a simple saliva sample sent to the laboratory means that women will know within a few days, whether or not they have endometriosis, improving patient care.

Healthcare Initiative of the year: The Maison des Soignants is the first place dedicated to all health care professionals and students, where they can take care of themselves and improve their well-being. Located in Paris, a stone’s throw from the Arc de Triomphe, the Maison des Soignants offers, in premises of nearly 800 m2, an original experience where professionals and students can treat themselves, undergo training, obtain information and recharge their batteries.

StartUp of the year: Tilak Healthcare has created a series of amusing medical games to change the way in which chronic diseases are supported. Tilak is a unique video games studio where passionate and driven people create games of therapeutic value to help others in the French health system.

Personality of the year: Marion Leboyer is Medical Director of the FHU ADAPT (Fédération Hospitalo Universitaire de psychiatrie de précision) at the UPEC (Faculty of Health of Créteil) and the AP-HP, Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris. Through her research into psychiatric illnesses, Marion Leboyer has made a major contribution to improving patient care and providing personalized medicine for all. She has conducted groundbreaking work on bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorders.

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