French Healthcare is an innovative public-private initiative aimed at bringing together under a single banner all the players in the French healthcare ecosystem (businesses, researchers, healthcare professionals, key public stakeholders, etc.) to jointly promote their activities, expertise, technologies and innovations internationally.
It helps to trigger a collective approach dynamic that stimulates international cooperation in the field of health and to promote the vision that health, a vector of social progress, must be improved for everyone everywhere in the world.
French Healthcare is supported by:
- The Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, which promotes and relays French Healthcare both diplomatically and institutionally.
- The French Healthcare Association, a network of French healthcare players who have mobilized to offer collective solutions adapted to the needs of its partners abroad.
- Business France, the national agency supporting the internationalization of the French economy, responsible for fostering export growth by French businesses, as well as promoting and facilitating international investment in France. It promotes France’s companies, business image and nationwide attractiveness as an investment location.
The initiative also benefits from international mobilization on the part of the Ministry for the Economy, Finance and the Recovery, the Ministry for Solidarity and Health, the Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation; of French regions, and of key public and private entities involved in the healthcare sector, development and trade such as professional associations, business organizations, hospitals, research institutes, innovation clusters and universities.
In 2017, French Healthcare’s launch was supported by numerous businesses and other entities:
France, a key player in global healthcare
France is a leading player in healthcare worldwide and boasts considerable advantages:
- a healthcare system that is recognized among OECD nations for access to healthcare ;
- excellent training for healthcare professionals, recognized for their high level of expertise ;
- cutting-edge research in numerous fields that enjoys international renown ;
- one of the highest-performing pharmaceutical industries in the world ;
- a renowned capacity for innovation in all healthcare fields, including medical devices, oncology, chronic and infectious diseases, digital health, the silver economy and more ;
- a dynamic and innovative ecosystem that includes startups, SMEs and large corporations.
French Healthcare is a collective commitment to that ecosystem. French healthcare players are mobilized every day to improve the quality of healthcare management for patients of all ages, at home or in the hospital, and to provide solutions adapted to major contemporary public-health challenges around the world: new infectious risks, the globalization of care, demographic growth and transition, the growing impact of non-communicable diseases, digitalization and other technological revolutions, and more. French Healthcare showcases all of those dimensions internationally.
Who does French Healthcare reach out to?
French Healthcare reaches out to foreign partners, including businesses in the medical or pharmaceutical sectors, distributors, hospitals and nursing homes, doctors and the medical profession in the broadest sense, investors, public purchasers, financial backers, patients and their families, journalists and influencers, etc. Its goals are to:
- introduce and promote the French healthcare ecosystem internationally through communication and influence campaigns, promotional events and its presence at major international trade shows, as well as by welcoming international delegations interested in the French healthcare model and France’s expertise and technological solutions ;
- develop commercial, medical and scientific partnerships between French and international players in the healthcare field ;
- coproduce innovative solutions adapted to each country’s context via partnerships with foreign players ;
- promote training for healthcare professionals and the reception of foreign patients in France.
French Healthcare contributes to promoting France’s vision in terms of global healthcare, which is founded on a humanist approach to care and on fair and equitable access to healthcare products and services.
French Healthcare defends the idea that as a vector of social progress, healthcare must be improved for everyone, all over the world.
Improving healthcare for all
French healthcare players’ humanist, grassroots, scientific and collective approach is guided by key values:
- Excellence
- Universalism
- Efficiency
- Science-based progress
French Healthcare is a collective brand that promotes France’s attractiveness in terms of healthcare and stimulates growth for French exports and international investments in France in the healthcare field, thanks to integrated, adapted solutions to healthcare challenges in countries around the world.
The French Healthcare network is made up of French healthcare players who are all contributing to showcasing French expertise abroad: businesses, institutions, municipalities, public-service providers, learned societies, Chambers of Commerce in France and abroad, and overseas trade advisors. They include:
Members of the French Healthcare Association

Whether they are French healthcare businesses of all sizes, professional federations, research centers, Chambers of Commerce and Industry or hospitals and clinics, members of the French Healthcare Association are all committed to promoting French players and to a collective mobilization of French healthcare expertise abroad. They are the ambassadors and representatives of French Healthcare’s values and missions abroad.
French Healthcare Clubs

The French Healthcare Club is a French governmental initiative intended to unite important players on the international healthcare market with French businesses whose activities involve healthcare concepts and/or services and products. Under the supervision of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, the Club is co-run in France by Business France, the national agency supporting the internationalization of the French economy, and by a French private-sector entity.
Currently, there are 13 French Healthcare Clubs around the world, in China, Russia, Brazil, Algeria, Italy, Turkey, South Korea, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Vietnam, Morocco and Thailand.
French Healthcare Clubs’ mission is to communicate about French businesses in their region and to promote high-level public relations with foreign healthcare authorities in order to collaborate on common issues and to establish partnerships with local players.
Innovation clusters
The Healthcare Clusters Network was established on April 11, 2018 and groups the six French innovation clusters in the healthcare sector : Atlanpole Biotherapies, Biovalley France, Eurobiomed, Lyonbiopôle, Medicen Paris Region and Clubster NSL. The network has striven to enhance the results of healthcare cluster initiatives since 2005, in favour of the healthcare sector both in France and abroad. Together, these clusters group 1,500 members, including 1,000 SMEs. Large corporations, academic institutions, regional authorities, hospitals and healthcare institutions all play a role in developing this unique and vibrant ecosystem. Projects awarded the innovation cluster accreditation are worth nearly €5 billion, with these initiatives alone bringing together close to 1,000 members. Completed projects have put 400 products or services on the market and created 54 businesses. Based on this encouraging record, the six innovation clusters are intensifying collaborative efforts to strengthen their members’ innovation power and to enhance the economic weight of the healthcare sectors they represent.
Business France offices and the international diplomatic network
The Business France network abroad and the French diplomatic network are mobilized to support both French businesses exporting to foreign markets and foreign businesses with plans to invest in or open structures in France, as well as promoting France’s assets and attractiveness internationally.